Meeting: 19 Feb 2019

Our First Keynote Speaker for the evening is Estelita Pearce

Estelita Pearce is one of our founding members of WA Speakers Bureau whose professional background is a clinical pharmacist. During her pharmaceutical career, she suffered 22 yrs of chronic pain, not resolved by drugs, it led her to become a Practitioner of various modalities of natural holistic medicine.
Estelita coaches health practitioners, authors, entrepreneurs, with chronic health condition, restore, rebuild and revitalise their health & whole-being, through the power of their Body Mind system, so they get their life back on track, living a purposeful life, doing what they love.
Estelita will presenting the first keynote speech titled Our Power Over Pain, learn to –
- Develop you Awareness – What is the message of your pain?
- Learn Conscious Connection – Why is conscious connection most important?
- Understand Perception– Can Balance perception be the key to your Healing?
Our Second Keynote Speaker is Sue Fielding.

Sue Fielding is an accomplished leader with extensive experience in both community services and government sectors leading community-based projects, policy and strategic reform and diverse stakeholder management agendas.
Sue will be presenting a workshop on The Value of Feedback to promote individual and team performance
Come to:
- Learn how to build great teams
- How to have the best chance for your team to thrive.
- Create an environment where it increases motivation, conquers challenges and improves benchmarks.